Archive for the ‘Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association’ Category

The 2012 SFWA Tax Return (990) Filed in 2013

In Form 990, IRS, John Scalzi, Mystery Writers of America, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, SFWA Tax Return, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, Tax Returns, Victoria Strauss, Whatever, Writer, Writer Beware on April 3, 2014 at 4:33 pm

The 2012 SFWA Tax Return (990) Filed in 2013 (Click here for SFWA_2013_990 file in PDF format.)

To the very discerning eye  . . .  there should be a few surprises here compared to previous years (see below).

SFWA President, Steven Gould, obviously doesn’t like this information to be public:


Annual Reports of SFWA are (were) a Fantasy: Conflicts with Bi-Laws, Responsible Leadership and Timeliness

2005 – 2008 Tax Returns

2010 Tax Return: 2010-042977509-07fa00e2-9O

2011 Tax Return: 2011-042977509-07f9e3f5-9O

2012 Tax Return: 2012-042977509-08965315-9O

The 2012 SFWA Tax Return (990) Filed in 2013

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Victoria Strauss Claims to Feast on Sharks . . . Seems Like She Missed an Obvious One

In A.C. Crispin, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Ann Crispin DEAD, Author, C. E. Petit, Charles E. Petit, Charles Emil Petit, Charlie. Petit, Crispin, Crispin Dead, JJ Marsh, John Steinbeck, Law Suits, lawsuit, lawsuits, Lawyer, Legal Issues, Michael Capobianco, Nancy Steinbeck, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Publishing, Scam, Scams, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, Victoria Strauss, Words with JAM, Writer, Writer Beware on April 1, 2014 at 6:03 pm

Victoria Strauss, commenting on another self-aggrandizing blog posting, proudly proclaimed on Twitter: “I feast on sharks.” This is quite a bold statement for someone that has a “favorite shark.”

It (Writer Beware™) purports that it “shines a bright light into the dark corners of the shadow-world of literary scams, schemes, and pitfalls.” Selectively? Maybe? Sure, until the scam strikes at home base. In 2007 it did; and, it’s a SCAM of EPIC proportions. It involves the estate of Pulitzer Prize and Nobel Prize winning author John Steinbeck(i.e. The Grapes of Wrath (1939) and East of Eden (1952) and the novella Of Mice and Men (1937) . . . yes, that Steinbeck. Huge? We think so. Was the failure of Writer Beware™ to report this scam an oversight or a case where they just turned their heads and looked the other way? Swimming with the sharks?

What did this scam involve? In principle, it’s the kind of material that Writer Beware™ built its foundation on. Exposing scams that are relative to: 1) engaging in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; 2) breaching fiduciary duties to a client; 3) obtaining an unreasonable fee; and 4) engaging in conduct which tends to defeat the administration of justice or to bring the courts or the legal profession into disrepute. These are the types of claims that spawned Writer Beware™ and its own version of their boycotts; otherwise known as their “Thumbs Down” lists. It’s time for the “bright light” to shine into the “dark corners of the shadow-world” of Victoria StraussAnn “A.C.” CrispinWriter Beware™ and the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers (SFWA). There’s one name we will not see on any Writer Beware ™ list and we’ll let you decide exactly why that happened.

Who was this individual that engaged in conduct involving dishonesty, fraud, deceit, or misrepresentation; allegedly breached fiduciary duties to a client; purportedly obtained an unreasonable fee; and may have engaged in conduct which tends to defeat the administration of justice or to bring the courts or the legal profession into disrepute? Well, let’s take a close look at some of the relationships and links here.

Obviously, JJ Marsh, the author of this posting, completely missed the actual fact that one “Shark” (that scammed an author) was an attorney of the the SFWA & Writer Beware. We could not resist the opportunity to comment on her complete lack of fact-finding regarding Victoria Strauss and Writer Beware.

It is our expectation that Ms. Marsh will be more conscious of the implications of such yellow journalism and avoid them in the future at all costs. It is carelessness and misleading writing that is devoid of the complete truth. Strauss and Writer Beware should be discredited and Ms. Marsh has the power to do that through due diligence and fact finding.

Ms. Marsh & Words with Jam really dropped the ball here. We are sure that from across “the pond” this appears to be a great story. However, the unenlightened people that write these editorial masturbations  need to dig beyond the false superficial impressions. The fact that JJ Marsh conducts “60 Second Interviews” should prove that more time was needed on this one. RUBBISH!

[NOTE: JJ Marsh, in her biography, indicates that She lives in an attic overlooking a cemetery.] Hmmm . . .  ponder that!


Victoria Strauss

Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America


Lisa Spangenberg Helps Author P.N. Elrod Beg for Money from Authors . . . It’s a Dog’s World

In Lisa L. Spangenberg, P.N. Elrod, Preditors & Editors, PublishAmerica, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, The Write Agenda, Uncategorized, Writer Beware, Writers on March 29, 2014 at 9:38 pm

So, the “multi-talented” P.N. Elrod’s royalty income doesn’t meet her life expenses. Begging from authors; not cool. You can read all about it here. Think about it . . .  if she was really so damn “multi-talented,” she wouldn’t have to beg you for money. This whole saga is reminiscent of stupid people that should not procreate. Likewise, some stupid people should not own pets especally if you cannot afford to care for them in the first place; to wit:

  • Ongoing medical concerns due to old age. 
  • A sudden onset of canine vestibular disorder shot the vet bills up into 4-figure territory last spring.  
  • Elrod did crowd funding to pay that down, but did not raise the full amount.
  • P. N. Elrod has 2 mortgages 
  • Fuzzy, “the dog,” had to have eye surgery in August.
  • She, Fuzzy the dog, had mineralizing keratopathy — holes in her corneas — and needed a conjunctival free graft to cover them. It was that or both her eyeballs would rupture–that was the word the vet used, rupture–and she would be in extreme pain and lose both eyes.
  • But the vet bill tripled. P.N. Elrod claims that it’s more than she gets for an advance on a book.

P.N. Elrod cannot afford this medical care for her beloved pet . . .  and that’s where you come in author. We’re sure you have your own “critique” of Elrod’s pathetic venture; let her know how you feel.

It seems that it would be the better part of wisdom to either put Fuzzy to sleep or give it to someone that CAN pay the medical bills. Begging authors for money for your dog is just as pathetic as begging authors to defend a lawsuit against you!

It’s so damn ironic that people like Spangenberg & Elrod will complain about scams perpetrated against authors. Yet, they think that it’s OK to beg authors for money to care for a damn dog. Read on  . . . this isn’t their first SCAM,

Related Articles:

P.N. Elrod Claims Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers (SFWA) Has Hackers: Cyber Crime Incitement?

Tate Publishing & Enterprises, LLC Slams Author P.N. Elrod With a “Another” Cease & Desist Order

Author P.N. Elrod; You are What You Eat . . . YUM YUM!

Lisa L. Spangenberg: Fact or Fiction?

Dave Kuzminski (Preditors & Editors) & His Unpublicized Death


Also see . . .

How Pathetic Can Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski Be?





Dave Kuzminski (Preditors & Editors) & His Unpublicized Death

In A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write Water Cooler, Andrew Burt, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Ann Crispin DEAD, Atlanta Nights, Attorney Victor Cretella, Cretella v. Kuzminski, Crispin, Crispin Dead, David L. Kuzminski, DEFAMATION, DEFAMATION: Cretella v. Kuzminski: The Case Against Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski, Lawyer, Legal Issues, Michael Capobianco, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Preditors & Editors, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, The Write Agenda, Victoria Strauss, Writer Beware on March 19, 2014 at 1:42 pm

Kuzminski isn’t the first one to offer his opinion online, nor will he be the last. The trouble lies when information provided can be found false and harmful to someone’s reputation.

– Conseula Chavez

On August 13, 2013, David Lee Kuzminski, (the unscrupulous & embattled overseer of the infamous Preditors & Editors site), died from an apparent heart attack. Kuzminski passed away 24 days prior to Ann “A.C.” Crispin. There has been very little mentioned about the demise of David Lee Kuzminski. Victoria Strauss and Writer Beware appear to have been equally silent and have very coldly  . . .  very coldly . . . done nothing to memorialize their cult hero and co-defendant (Strauss’ only posting, post-Kuminski’s death, was on the Absolute Water Cooler inquiring about Andrew Burt’s status (see below).

Recently filed documents (February 6, 2014)  indicate that Preditors & Editors is actually now a real Colorado non-profit organization (questions were raised previously when Kuzminski, who was being sued for defamation, was begging … BEGGING . . .  readers/authors to financially support and donate to his legal defense fund).  Andrew Burt will be running the site now. Burt has a long history an affiliation with the SFWA and Victoria Strauss.

“Andrew Burt . . . in my opinion [has] pretty clearly shown he’s absolutely and utterly incapable of recognizing his own incompetence, or the damage he’s done to the organization; really, what would have surprised me is if he hadn’t run. However, I can and will [sic] blame my fellow SFWAns if the man is actually elected president. Because I assume, hope and pray they are not as incompetent as he.”

Why would you, as a writer, trust someone who has never signed a book contract with a science fiction publisher to engage in fruitful discussion with science fiction publishers about your professional concerns as a writer? Why would you, as a writer, trust someone who has barely any experience as a writer to move the organization in a direction that is relevant to your professional career? Equally importantly, if you were a brand-spanking-new science fiction writer, with your very first book contract in hand, why on earth would you join a professional writer’s organization whose president has less personal experience with book contracts than you do?”

– John Scalzi, Former SWWA President

Other related postings

Victoria Strauss: It’s Not a Death Threat . . . Just a Wish!

DEFAMATION: Cretella v. Kuzminski: The Case Against Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski

How Pathetic Can Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski Be?



A Gut Check Moment for SFWA

Cretella v. Kuzminski | Citizen Media Law Project.” Home | Citizen Media Law Project. Web. 12 Mar. 2011. <;.
“Cretella v. Kuzminski.” Justia Dockets & Filings. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <;.
“David Kuzminski, You Naughty Boy |” | “Writing Something Worth Reading; Doing Something Worth Writing About.” Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <;.
Elkins, Deborah. “Lawyer Has Defamation Claim for Online Post « Virginia Lawyers Weekly.”Virginia Lawyers Weekly. Web. 13 Mar. 2011. <;.

Florida Literary Agency and Publisher Reaches Settlement on FDUTPA Litigation with Florida Attorney General

In Absolute Write, Absolute Write Water Cooler, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Ann Crispin DEAD, Atlanta Nights, Attorney, Attorney General, Attorney Victor Cretella, Author, Author Boycott, Author Contracts, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, Cretella v. Kuzminski, Criminal History, Crispin, Crispin Dead, David L. Kuzminski, DEFAMATION: Cretella v. Kuzminski: The Case Against Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski, defamatory, James D. MacDonald, Jenna Glatzer, Jim C. Hines, John Scalzi, John Steinbeck, Legal Issues, Lisa L. Spangenberg, MacAllister Stone, Making Light, Mark Coker, P.N. Elrod, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Patrick Niclsen-Hayden, Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom, Preditors & Editors, Randi Shapiro, Randy Dotinga, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, Self-Published, Self-Publishing, State of Florida Inspector General, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, Strategic Book Group, Strategic Book Publishing, strategic book publishing and rights agency, Strauss, Subpoena, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, The Write Agenda, The Write Agenda: Top 10 Blog Posts for 2011, The Write Company to Keep, Theodore Beale, Vanity, Vanity Press, Victor Cretella, Victoria Strauss, Watchdog, Whatever, Writer Beware, Writer Beware & Others, Writers, Yog's Law on March 17, 2014 at 9:44 pm

Robert Fletcher, CEO, Successfully Overcomes Damaging Allegations and Declares that Settlement is a Victory When Dealing with any Government Agency.

“Anytime a business settles litigation with a government agency with no admission of guilt and no violation of the law, it can be considered a victory,” said Robert Fletcher, the CEO of a group of companies that have been dealing with government litigation for over six years.

“Unfortunately, most consumers believe that litigation equals guilt, but that simply isn’t true.  This suit should never have been filed,” Mr. Fletcher continued. “If the litigation had any merit, they would have pushed it harder and not taken six years to deal with it.  Furthermore, the attorney who filed against us was asked to leave her job for ethical and competency issues.  Mr. Fletcher went on to say that, “settlement was the best action for our constituents as it allows us to concentrate on the future and not continue to pour money down the legal drain hole of America’s quasi-political legal process. Most importantly, we want our authors to realize that this litigation did not include our current businesses.  The suit was only directed at older companies that had a completely different business model and had already been dissolved”.

Mr. Fletcher concluded by looking to the future. “With this settlement, our family of authors and employees can rest assured that our business principles are sound and fair.  I am extremely happy for our authors, clients, and employees who have had to deal with the uncertainties of this misguided litigation for the last six years.  We have now formally put this behind us and we feel stronger than ever.  Let’s get back to business.  We have our clients’ books to publish and sell and distribute around the world.  And we would like any potential client that turned away from us because of this issue to please reconsider joining us.”

Therefore, the witch hunt perpetrated by Victoria Strauss, Ann “A.C.” Crispin, Writer Beware and the SFWA has been discredited; the The Florida Attorney General is NOT ACTIVELY collecting complaints and information.

So, the question is, will Robert Fletcher again pursue legal action against Victoria Strauss, SFWA, Writer Beware & others?

For further reading see:

Florida Attorney General Investigated by the Florida State Inspector General – Strategic Book Publishing Prepares Countersuits.

Florida State Inspector General’s Final Report 

ABSOLUTE WRONG (WRITE) BUSTED? You decide … Need more Kool-Aid?

In A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Absolute Write Water Cooler, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Ann Crispin DEAD, Atlanta Nights, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, DEFAMATION: Cretella v. Kuzminski: The Case Against Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski, James D. MacDonald, Jenna Glatzer, John Scalzi, Lisa L. Spangenberg, MacAllister Stone, Making Light, Michael Capobianco, Mystery Writers of America, Nancy Steinbeck, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, The Write Agenda, Victoria Strauss, Watchdog, Whatever, Writer, Writer Beware, Writer Beware & Others on December 22, 2013 at 10:26 pm

Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Those Pesky Legalities

In New York and in Washington State, it’s illegal to register a business under an assumed name unless you also register your assumed name as “doing business as” (DBA). You can review the regulations at New York’s Division of Corporations and Washington’s Business Licensing Services pages. This is important because, at the time of this writing, MacAllister Stone, owner of Absolute Write, lives in Washington State and has Absolute Write registered in New York. However, MacAllister Stone is not a real person. Her real name, Melodi Susanne Sherman, is not registered as a DBA of MacAllister Stone in either state. That makes Absolute Write, the business entity, illegal  [Emphasis added by The Write Agenda.].

I’m especially bothered by this for two reasons: I’m a fan of Writer Beware, and I don’t like that they’re unwilling to expose illegal or unethical behavior perpetrated by their friends; and it means I have to agree in part with The Write Agenda, whom I can’t stand [Emphasis added by The Write Agenda.].

Months ago, The Write Agenda (who doesn’t deserve a link; look them up if you’d like) posted about MacAllister Stone submitting a pseudonym and false address when Absolute Write was named in a lawsuit. I assumed it was a lie because TWA posted it. It was a slow day and I was curious, so I spent the afternoon poking around the Internet and public records. [Emphasis added by The Write Agenda.]. I [sic] didn’t take me long to locate a site called Forums Review, who seem to have an issue with Absolute Write as well, MacAllister Stone in particular. (In case you’re wondering, AW mods, no, I don’t have a connection with this site either. I tried to contact them through email because I didn’t want to have to create this blog, when they already had a perfectly serviceable one to which I could contribute. They never replied.) [Emphasis added by The Write Agenda.].The name Melodi Sherman was all I needed to find proof that she and MacAllister Stone are the same person. (Sorry to all those who were certain Lisa Spangenberg was MacAllister in disguise. Public records show otherwise.) It only took me two or three hours to track everything down. Why people think they can remain anonymous–to the point that they lie on legal documents!–is beyond me. [Emphasis added by The Write Agenda.].

Better Business Bureau listing for Absolute Write:

Melodi Sherman’s farrier business:

The phone numbers are the same.

Absolute Write’s address as listed in the WhoIs information visible on the Forums Reviewsite. To all the concern trolls or potential stalkers, this address is no longer her current address. It belonged to a ranch that Melodi managed, as shown below, and was sold several years ago. Don’t be asshats to the current owners, mkay?

The WhoIs information for, now defunct. Melodi is still using the username visible here, although the email address has changed.

Here’s an endurance ride from Lakeview, right before it closed. Melodi is the assistant manager and owner of the email used to register the domain.

Voter registration (public record) for Melodi, showing her birth date and old address.

One of MacAllister’s birthday celebrations on Absolute Write. Yes, the birthdays are a match.

Great. MacAllister is Melodi. Glad that’s cleared up.

I’d love to understand why Melodi thought her name was so secret that she committed perjury and fraud so she didn’t have to reveal it to anyone. I don’t plan to stalk or harass MacMelodi. Someone might, I suppose, but Lisa Spangenberg (real name) and Victoria Strauss (real name) seem to do just fine. They get pestered online, but people do that all the time even without knowing a real name.

This is speculation, but I would guess it’s because she doesn’t want to lose face in the Absolute Write community. She portrays herself as a publishing professional in order to reign over the forums. In reality, though, her only publishing credit is her thesis, a rather dense and unremarkable treatise on Stephen King.

In summary, Absolute Write and its owner, MacAllister Stone aka Melodi Sherman, are guilty of crimes the Bewares topic and Writer Beware regularly expose. Melodi has no grounds for mocking anyone on a high-profile industry forum that posts publishing advice. She’s barely qualified to edit other people’s work for money; an MFA from a state university doesn’t replace real-life experience (running a ranch and trimming horses’ hooves don’t count toward that experience). Worst of all, Melodi has committed perjury when providing false data to the New Jersey courts, and fraud when registering Absolute Write as a business entity.

I wish I hadn’t had to post this. I shouldn’t have to. Make it right, Absolute Write and Writer Beware. Or you’re as bad as the criminals you claim to oppose, and you’re hypocrites too.

Her name is Melodi Susanne Sherman. Here is the registrant information from an old webcache:
If you look up Melodi Sherman in the Washington State voter database, you’ll see the same address and her birthdate: This is the same birthdate as MacAllister’s:
Here is a website for Melodi Sherman’s farrier business: The phone number is the official number for Absolute Write:

Comments on the Death of Ann “A.C.” Crispin (Ongoing)

In 666, A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Absolute Write Water Cooler, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Ann Crispin DEAD, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, C. E. Petit, Charles E. Petit, Charles Emil Petit, Charlie. Petit, Crispin, Crispin Dead, James D. MacDonald, Jenna Glatzer, Jim C. Hines, John Scalzi, John Steinbeck, lawsuit, lawsuits, Legal Issues, Lisa L. Spangenberg, MacAllister Stone, Making Light, Nancy Steinbeck, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Patrick Niclsen-Hayden, Pirates Of The Caribbean: Price Of Freedom, Preditors & Editors, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, SFWA 2013 Elections, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, Strauss, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, The Write Agenda, Victoria Strauss, Whatever, Writer Beware, Yog's Law on September 7, 2013 at 7:14 pm

“The idea that it’s okay to lie and smear people you don’t know doesn’t die with them.  I see from all these trolls that Victoria and company has taught them that this, and a ludicrous arrogance, is okay.  They haven’t an idea just how much damage it does to them.”

“Ann Crispin has done similarly, cancer often being the result of years of misdirected anger or feelings of martyrdom.”

“Some people make the planet a better place for having got the hell off it, eh?”

“We might wonder what Victoria Strauss was actually doing for that month ‘meeting a deadline’ for her latest claimed paint-by-numbers flotsam. I don’t follow her or any of these dishonest cretins, but I’d probably have heard if she’d said another word about it.  What was she doing?  Is she also ill?”

“One down and 1.5 to go . . . if Richard White (Who?) really counts.”

“The end of Writer Beware is on the horizon. Victoria Strauss lacks the competence as a researcher and is a literary underachiever. Why would anyone trust an author that has produced 8 novels that have flopped; she’s not a household name. Keep the pressure on The Write Agenda!”

“So, ‘A.C.’ has died. Allow me to be the first to extend my hand to her family at this difficult time…and then slowly raise my middle finger.”

“Crispin was Crispin. Crispin was Writer Beware. Victoria Strauss isn’t Ann Crispin . . .  the rest is history.”

“Strauss doesn’t have the skin (or ovaries as you say) to do justice to Writer Beware. Crispin’s death marks the death of Writer Beware too!”

“Amen The Write Agenda. Amen.”

“I never understood the Writer Beware concept. It’s not like they really accomplished anything other than regurgitating information. Posting shit on people or organizations that they have not been involved with is reprehensible. Yet, I never liked Crispin, not at all. That last thing she wrote isn’t a novel anyway, whatever it is. I don’t like it. Not at all. It suffers horribly  and it’s so narcissistic. And to me, also, it seemed so false, so calculated. Combining the plain woman with an absolutely megalomaniac egotism. I simply can’t stand it. Victoria Strauss . . . seriously?”

” Crispin’s work and and Strauss’ are evil, and they are the most unhappy beings of whom one can say that it would be better had they had never been born.”

“Crispin’s prose is a cold black suet-pudding. We can represent it as a cold suet-roll of fabulously reptilian length. Cut it at any point, it is the same thing; the same heavy, sticky, opaque mass all through and all along. Rest in Hell Bitch.”

“In the practice of tolerance, one’s enemy is the best teacher.” – Dalai Lama

“May she live in the land of publisher’s advances beyond her wildest dreams.  Meanwhile, we still have work to do.”

“I doubt that any BIG publishing entity will take the time to eulogize Ann Crispin. May this fact serve to prove how SMALL she really was.”

“Ann Crispin spent her time fooling authors and convincing them that purchasing her books (and Victoria Strauss’) was a ‘show of support’ for the not-for-profit thing better known as Writer Beware. Fortunately, she only fooled the under-educated author and the Kool-Aid drinking minions . . . a very small group of literary putzes.”

“The Write Agenda (TWA) has done an awesome job weaving the cast of characters in the literary folly perpetuated by Ann Crispin, Victoria Strauss, James Macdonald, Macallister Stone, Lisa L. Spangenberg, Teresa Hayden, David Kuzminski, Writer Beware, Making Light, Absolute Write and Preditors & Editors. In this effort, it does appear that Yog’s Law is true. Money does flow to the author . . . especially those authors listed above. Keep following the money TWA! You’ve certainly pissed off this group and that has validated you; they are not ignoring you. Keep exposing their scams that are being perpetrated on the unknowing author.”

“To her credit, Ann Crispin was a public person and visible. Victoria Strauss, who is publically shy and painfully reclusive, hides behind Twitter and other online services and pales in comparison. If Writer Beware is going to survive it’s going to take a more publically stable individual; I’ve personally witnessed the public Strauss and it isn’t pretty. Writer Beware cannot thrive solely on the narcissistic endeavors of a reclusive hag like Victoria Strauss. Writer Beware is surely to follow the same fate as Ann Crispin . . . DEATH. Strauss will not be able to hack the challenges without Crispin and her ego would not tolerate a replacement.”

“What? Writer Beware’s & Victoria Strauss’ first post . . . FIRST POST! . . . after the death of Ann Crispin links to Twitter postings by The Write Agenda? Seriously? Rock on The Write Agenda . . . you have arrived as a worthy opponent to the reclusive one (Victoria Strauss). Strauss states:  ‘I was considering letting the blog sit silent for a week–but in light of the fools and trolls who are dreaming of Writer Beware’s demise, I’ve decided to carry on as usual. It’s what Ann would have wanted’ . . . it’s no ‘dream’ Strauss, The Write Agenda has called you out and Writer Beware will ‘sit silent’ soon! It’s a great day to be a ‘fool’ and a ‘troll’ people because Victoria Strauss could not remain silent! Strauss can’t sell any of her dreadful books . . . how will she continue to sell Writer Beware? There’s no validity here; not with the author and not with the mission she claims to advocate for. However, you can purchase her books as a sign of ‘support’ of Writer Beware. I hope the people that are reading this are now puking. You just can’t make this shit up!”

“Strauss has BIG shoes to fill and obviously The Write Agenda has become public enemy #1 to Strauss & Co. The death of Crispin is a historical benchmark and a pinnacle turning point for the future of Writer Beware. The Write Agenda has obliviously intimidated the living shit out of Victoria Strauss! Savor the moment The Write Agenda. Victoria Strauss should have ignored you . . . she didn’t. I agree with the other commentators . . . the death of Writer Beware is foreseeable, Strauss avoids facts, Strauss uses ad hominem tactics, avoids real issues (hmm like Charlie Petit?) and makes personal arguments against an opponent instead of against their argument. Strauss doesn’t have the moxey to publically represent Writer Beware in a fashion anything near to Crispin. She had to comment to save her face. Thank you The Write Agenda!!!! When a person is ‘saving face,’ they are struggling to keep their reputation and the respect of other people . . .  clearly The Write Agenda has injured Writer Beware and Victoria Strauss.”

“Hell hath no fury like one author gleefully savaging another author’s work. That’s all I can say.”

“I haven’t any right to criticize books, and I don’t do it except when I hate them. I often wanted to criticize Ann Crispin, but her books madden me so that I can’t conceal my frenzy from other readers; and therefore I had to stop every time I began. When’s the funeral? Or, are they going to toast her remains? If not,  I want to dig her up and hit her over the skull with her own shin-bone.”

“I couldn’t stand Crispin (I despise Strauss). Nobody will think to ask because I’m supposedly jealous; but I out-sell both of them. I’m more popular than they are, and I don’t take either of them very seriously…oh, they come on like the authors advocates, but they are just boring little middle-class girls hustling their crappy books. Crispin dead? Great! Now this group is left with Victoria Strauss: What she does is not writing, that’s typing.”

“I’ve followed Writer Beware since its inception. Conceptually, it has been a great idea and they have accomplished some great things. However, as a dues paying member of the SFWA I’ve had issues with Crispin and Strauss using the site as a marketing tool. The SFWA is a not-for-profit organization; Crispin and Strauss have, as The Write Agenda has indicated, pressured followers to purchase their books as a ‘sign of support’ for their volunteerism. BULL SHIT! This is wrong and they know it’s wrong. However, it’s not that it really matters because only a small group of worshippers have actually bought into this marketing ploy. Neither Crispin nor Strauss have become household names resulting from this activity. Crispin had her 15 minutes of fame and now her flame has burned out; Strauss, now beyond middle-age, dreams of just having a public spark. Strauss is wiped out and has little chance of redeeming herself. I agree with the post regarding the ‘public’ Victoria Strauss . . . is really is not pretty. She may be able to maintain Writer Beware as a recluse but to build credibility beyond the comfort of her home in Amherst, MA . . . it’s probably not going to happen. Crispin and Strauss both have maintained independent sites; that’s where you market your book . . . not on a not-for-profit site. I’m also very concerned about the selective ‘reporting’ of Writer Beware. For example, an attorney retained by the SFWA commits fraud and it’s swept under the table; not reported by Crispin or Strauss? The American Book Publishing story by Strauss . . . so what? A ‘police investigation’ that may have actually been fabricated by Strauss herself? The Write Agenda caught my attention when you contacted all of the police organizations in the jurisdiction and found nothing to substantiate Strauss’ claims. I’m a loyalist by nature; with personal difficulty I commend The Write Agenda for calling out Crispin and Strauss to be honest. The SFWA is beyond housecleaning; John Scalzi is a putz, Crispin & Strauss  . . . self-serving and new President Steven Gould . . . G-d help us . . . Gould truly is the rectal spawn, of former SFWA President, John Scalzi that was fertilized by author James C. Hines. I will not be renewing my SFWA membership.”

“I’ve always thought that The Write Agenda (TWA) was FOS (Full of Shit). However, I’ve honestly discovered that TWA does tell the truth. Admittedly, I’ve been a SFWA & Writer Beware fool. The ‘under-informed’ & Kool-Aid drinking flying monkey! Yes, that was (was) me. Thank you TWA for the epiphany! The wakeup call was well deserved . . . mea culpa! I have also witnessed ‘the public’ Victoria Strauss and completely agree with the other posters here. If Strauss is going to redeem Writer Beware  . . . she has to get schooled in PR (how to do public appearances) quickly. Ann Crispin is well documented on video sites like You-Tube etc; there are no videos of Strauss. TWA you have hit the nail on the head. If Writer Beware is going to survive, Strauss (and only Strauss; Richard White is a peon and has less credibility than Strauss) is going to have to step up. That is going to require her to get more factual in her “reporting” and become a more public. Personally, I don’t see that happening. Strauss has been in a comfort zone, she’s publically shy and she’ll always be in the shadow of Ann Crispin.TWA you have successfully converted this SFWA member; I’m also not renewing my SFWA membership. Well done TWA! To my SFWA (soon to be former) BUY the TWA books posted as a ‘sign of support’ for their work.”

Available on



Michael Cohen Review of Absolute Write, Victoria Strauss, James D. Macdonald, Teresa Nielsen-Hayden . . . Validity Test

In A.C., A.C. Crispin, Absolute Write, Absolute Write Water Cooler, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, Atlanta Nights, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, C. E. Petit, Charles E. Petit, Charles Emil Petit, Crispin, David L. Kuzminski, James D. MacDonald, Jenna Glatzer, John Scalzi, John Steinbeck, Lisa L. Spangenberg, MacAllister Stone, Making Light, Michael Cohen, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Preditors & Editors, Scams, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, SFWA 2013 Elections, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, Strauss, Teresa Nielsen Hayden, The Write Agenda, Travis Tea, Veracity Check, Victoria Strauss, Writer Beware, Writer Beware & Others, Writers on August 16, 2013 at 12:48 am

Michael Cohen Review of Absolute Write, Victoria Strauss, James D. Macdonald, Teresa Nielsen-Hayden et al . . . Validity Test.

“The harsh criticisms of Absolute Write on this site are justified, and then some. As a former member of the AW inner circle, I was present at several behind the scenes discussions with Lisa Spangenberg (alias Mac Stone), Victoria Strauss, James D. Macdonald, Teresa Nielsen-Hayden, and others. The mix was different from time to time depending on who was around and what writer or editor was being torn to pieces on the board…. (more on the following link.)

Contact us with your thoughts and comments here.

Charles E. Petit ( Former SFWA Attorney) Speaks Out Regarding the SFWA

In A.C., A.C. Crispin, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, C. E. Petit, Charles E. Petit, Charles Emil Petit, Charlie. Petit, David L. Kuzminski, DEFAMATION: Cretella v. Kuzminski: The Case Against Preditors & Editors David L. Kuzminski, ILLINOIS ATTORNEY REGISTRATION AND DISCIPLINARY COMMISSION, Jenna Glatzer, Jim C. Hines, John Scalzi, John Steinbeck, Lawyer, Michael Capobianco, Mystery Writers of America, Nancy Steinbeck, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Scam, Scams, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, SFWA, SFWA 2013 Elections, Shark, Steve Gould, Steven Gould, Victoria Strauss, Writer, Writer Beware, Writer Beware & Others, Writers on July 13, 2013 at 2:57 am

“This is one corporate culture that really does need a change.”

Charles E. Petit

Former SFWA Attorney


Forthcoming Changes in Corporate Culture



Victoria Strauss: Coming Out of Hibernation to Comment on The Write Agenda

In @Amandapandaduh, a teen novel, A. Ross, A.C., A.C. Crispin, Ann "A.C." Crispin, Ann Crispin, BARBARA BAUER, BARBARA BAUER LITERARY AGENCY, Bauer vs. Glatzer, C. E. Petit, Charles E. Petit, Charles Emil Petit, Charlie. Petit, Passion Blew, PASSION BLEW II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America, Passion Blue, Scams, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers, Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers Association, Victoria Strauss, Watchdog, Writer Beware, Writer Beware & Others on July 10, 2013 at 12:15 am

Victoria Strauss came out of her self-imposed exile (briefly) to Tweet about who? Yes, you got it . . . The Write Agenda. Strauss, the literary midget, made a short appearance on Twitter to post the following (below) to an apparent “flying monkey” recruit (who appears to still be in high school and may be a member of VHEMT: Voluntary Human Extinction Movement see VHEMT advocates: “Phasing out the human race by voluntarily ceasing to breed will allow Earth’s biosphere to return to good health. Crowded conditions and resource shortages will improve as we become less dense.”)


Victoria Strauss has ran her own “smear” site and campaign via Writer Beware.  Remember, it was The Write Agenda that exposed the scams perpetrated by Victoria Strauss and the Writer Beware Crew; which is more than sufficient for Strauss to loathe The Write Agenda.

You can’t “deny” that Victoria Strauss, A.C. Crispin & Writer Beware failed to report the publishing SCAM perpetrated by their own attorney. See John Steinbeck Family Defrauded by Writer Beware™ & SFWA Attorney: The 2007 Scam that Writer Beware™ Didn’t Report . . . Why?

You can’t “deny” that Victoria Strauss, A.C. Crispin & Writer Beware failed to prove that American Book Publishing was subject to a “police investigation.” Which leads one to believe that Strauss may have another hidden agenda. See American Book Publishing: No Case, No Criminal Contact & No Legal Action Taken.

You can’t “deny” the fact that Victoria Strauss and others were “non-vindicated” defendants in the Bauer vs. Glatzer case. See Bauer vs. Glatzer et. al. – Summary of Allegations Against the Named Defendants

You cannot “deny” that is was an embarrassment to have Victoria Strauss as a panelist at The 2013 ASJA Annual Writers Conference.

You cannot “deny” that Victoria Strauss should have been Disqualified from the First Annual Independent Blogger Awards: Questions of Eligibility Remain Regarding the Meaning of “Independent”


The Write Agenda will be releasing a sequel to Passion Blew!: Scamming the John Steinbeck Estate: The Case Against Attorney Charles E. Petit The Former Attorney for the Science Fiction & Fantasy Writers of America and Passion Blew II: The Case Against Victoria Strauss, Ann “A.C.” Crispin, Writer Beware & Others  . . . it will be titledKolorsong; to be released during 2013.

